If you are using Next.js (version 9.5+), you can bypass ad-blockers by using the rewrite functionality!

Add rewrites to next.config.js

Add following rewrite rules into the file:

async rewrites() {
  return [
      source: "/bee.js",
      destination: "<https://cdn.splitbee.io/sb.js>",
      source: "/_hive/:slug",
      destination: "<https://hive.splitbee.io/:slug>",

Adapt the Splitbee script tag

You will need to adapt the script tag to reflect the changes and use your own proxy.

<script async data-api="/_hive" src="/bee.js"></script>

data-api sets the endpoint for all tracking calls. We are using /_hive in this example.

src needs to point to the Splitbee JS file that is proxied through your servers. We are using /bee.js in this example.

Feel free to adapt those paths & filenames.